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第一篇:film review 英語電影演講稿第二篇:英語演講稿電影美麗心靈第三篇:presentation(根據英語經典電影對白ppt的演講稿2)(ppt在我的文輯裏)第四篇:英語專業電影第五篇:英語電影更多相關範文


第一篇:film review 英語電影演講稿

hello everybody,

today ,my presentation is about film review.

the graduate is an attractive and affecting has a very important place in the america film history,because it reflected the people’s life at that time, also a ground-breaking film,had taken a new film type in american film market.

mike nichols,is the the director. he is a famous and fruitful director in america,has many movie works ,helped him receive a lot of honors and awards,including the graduate ,which helped him get the oscar awards,the best director .

the graduate is a comedy film,theme is about love,premiered in r that,the film got many awards,such as:best director,best picture,best actor,best actress,and so on.

the main stars including dustin hoffman,anne bancroft,katharine ross and in hoffman plays a graduate ,named benjamin,who is worried about his future,his eyes are bancroft,plays mrs. robinson ,a middle-aged woman,although has a rich husband,she dose’t like her arine ross plays elaine,she is mrs. robinson is a graduate,his father held a party for him and give a beautiful red car as graduate g he had no interested the party,mrs. robinson seduced first,he ver ,after several days,he had sex with her in a local is going well until mrs. robinson insisted that ben must leave from her daughter he didn't follow what she said and finally fell in love with rs found the truth and elaine decide to leave time,he was not confused again,finally,he and elaine ran away from elaine’s wedding.

i like the film ,because nobody is perfect, and people do improper things at the improper time. the point is whether you are willing to amend it or not. ben should be a good his affair with mrs. robinson,found by others, he was brave enough to face it, courageous enough to purse his true love . from the movie ,we can see ben’s transformation from a confused graduate to a mature man; from the fall to the persistence for true love ; well, this is our graduate, it’s a part of life, it’s the process of growth.

the theme music is very popular. let’s enjoin it.

thank you !


the story is based on the life of john forbes nash, jr., a mathematician and nobel laureate who suffered from schizophrenia. the film drawing us into his world and allowing us to see what nash sees.

nash in a very early age showed remarkable

mathematical talent. 1947 little john - forbes - nashto enter and study at princeton university to study mathematics. he spent his indulgence in one thing: to find a truly innovative theories. he was convinced that this is something he should be doing. nash, 21 years old, one of his article on game theory doctoral dissertation and other related articles, establish the status of his master of the game the late 1950 , he is a famous scientist in the world. he began to enjoy international reputation.

when nash work at the massachusetts institute of technology . he met theradiant alicia introduced nash to his never seriously considered the idea ---- love. soon, nash and alicia were married, but unfortunately, he got a paranoid schizophrenia. alicia is terrified, she struggled in the weight of the each day seems to bring themnew terror, but alicia still loves the man she found him charismatic, it is also a source of support her commitment to her undying devotion of love and loyalty, nash final decision struggle to that is consideredcan only get better, incurable disease.

nash's goal is very simple, but it is difficult to

achieve these r the weight of illness, he was still the exciting mathematical theory of driving,and he determined to find his own way to restore normalcy.

through unremitting efforts, in the end he by force of will, in the late 1980, nash convalesce, awakening from the he regained consciousness seems to be in order to meet a great event in his life: in 1994, he

received the nobel prize in the same time,

his game theorybecome the most influential 20th century theory, nash has become one not only has good feelings, and has a beautiful soul people.

now, nash still continue to study and seek



a:first of all,i want to thank my front really told me many movie's classical dialogs and the character’spostive attitude to life.

b:yeal,i agree with you.i learnt a lot now,i want to introduce a movie which has a great influence on me for everyone.


b:that is the shawshank is about {andydefresne,a successful young banker who issentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of his wife and her lover. andy is sent to shawshank prison. he make a friend named "red" who has already spent many years inside. over years in the prison, andy gained the respect of the most of the other prisons and guards. more importantly, he never loses hope for the future---a hope he tries to pass on to the other prisoners.}

a: enen,{shawshank is a story about hope. it’s about justice. it’s about the struggle to find the meaning of life, to find redemption, and the triumph of the human spirit. thisfilm teaches us, as has been conveniently turned into a tagline, that " fear " can hold you prisoner, but hope can set you free” .}

b:today i will perform a part of a scene in the show us although in the prison ,andy never give up his about you play the role of andy,and i red?



andy :my wife used to say i‘m a hard man to know. like a closed book(高深莫測的東西). complained about it all the time. (pause) she was beautiful. i loved her. but i guess i couldn’t show it enough. (softly) i killed her, red. i didn‘t pull the trigger(槍). but i drove her away. that's why she died. because of me, the way i am.

red :that don‘t make you a murderer. bad husband, maybe. feel bad about it if you want. butyou didn't pull the trigger.

andy :no. i didn't. someone else did, and i wound up here. bad luck, i guess.

red :bad luck? jesus.

andy :it floats around. has to land on somebody. it was my turn, that's all. i was in the path of the tornado. i just had no idea the storm would go on as long as it has. i just didn’t expect the storm would last as long as it has. think you'll ever get out of here?

red: sure. when i got a long white beard(鬍子) and about three marbles left rolling around upstairs(形容神志不清)

andy:tell you where i’d go atanejo.


a:in my opinion,movie is the can affect human’s mind,set us thinking,jolt our menmory.

b:what’s more, the movie is also a language school, through watching

movie, we can expand us our vocabulary , improve our spoken language b: so let us enter the palace of is k you.


在嚷叫:閲讀好難最難了! 當然嘍,首先,讀都不願去讀,所以詞彙量永遠爆低!--尤其90後!所謂的聽-説-讀-寫-譯,絕不是紙上談兵paper talk!!!飯菜天天都得吃,飲食男女嘛,其實,聽-説-讀它們3姐妹或3結義哥們就跟天天飲食男女一樣:必須每日讀得多+會讀,聽得多+會聽,説得多+説的地道~會説~説得好 == 一切的寫作+翻譯的基礎之本!

下面這40部遺產性英語片是專門強薦給那些讀不進書的人兒,均是英文聽力+閲讀助力極好的強片,要是不看(我幾乎看了1/3),比較地道的純正聽力+口語語感從何而來??讀也不讀,看又不看 ,聽也不聽,正確語境的認知,以及低失誤率的大詞彙量,高多信息化的閲讀理解和真實的生活閲歷就永遠是句空話emptytalk!!各位 千萬別揮霍媽老漢兒的血汗錢,不然枉為外語專業生,最後不管你跑到哪兒讀專業英語都將等於在浪費幾年的tu(我們一定會做的更好)ition¥¥¥$$$和光陰!

1. big fish ii 《大魚老爸2》;american beauty 《美國麗人》;prettyfriends 《漂亮朋友/ 麗人行》

2. forrest gump 《阿甘正傳》;the sound of music 《音樂之聲》;dances with wolves 《與狼共舞》

3. a walk in clouds 《雲中漫步》;gone with the wind 《飄/亂世佳人》;jane eyre 《簡·愛》

4. independent day 《獨立日》;superman i-ii 《超人》+《超人歸來》;king kong《金剛》

5. mission: impossible i-ii-iii《不可能完成的任務/碟中諜1,2,3》; 或者 james bond 007 《007》全集

6. congo 《剛果驚魂》;jurassic park i-ii-iii 《侏羅紀公園1,2,3》;man in black ii 《黑衣特戰警》

7. the pearl harbor 《珍珠港》;the rocks 《石破天驚》;fair game《對抗性遊戲》;rainman《雨人》

8. titanic《泰坦尼克》;broken arrow《斷劍》;air force one 《空軍一號》;the fugitive 《亡命天涯》

9. silence of the lamb 《沉默的羔羊》;lion king《獅子王》;sleepless seatle《西雅圖不眠人》;

shank's redemption 《肖申克的救贖》; seven sins 《七宗罪》 ;prettywomen 《漂亮女人》

11. brave heart 《勇敢的心》; wild geese 《野鵝敢死隊》; serpent 《蛇》;last assassin《最後刺客》

12. north by northwest 《西北偏北》;cassandra crossing 《卡桑德拉大橋》;roma holiday《羅馬假日》

13. king solomon's mine《所羅門王的寶藏》;national treasure 《國家寶藏》;vertical limit 《垂直極限》

14. golden pond 《金色池塘》;speed 《生死時速》i-ii-iii; topgun 《壯志凌雲》;seawolf 《海狼》;

15. bathing beauties 《出水芙蓉》;ring iii《美版--午夜兇鈴》;kramer v.s. kramer 《克


ory 《勝利大逃亡》;escape to athena 《逃往雅典娜》;robotcop i-ii-iii 《機器戰警123》

garrison's gorillas [tv-series] /《加里森敢死隊》 ;the bridges of madison county 《廊橋遺夢》;

the waterloo bridge 《魂斷藍橋》 。。。等等等等~~~


1."citizen kane"(1941)公民凱恩

2."casablanca" (1942)卡薩布蘭卡

3."the godfather"(1972)教父

4."gone with the wind" (1939)亂世佳人/飄

5."lawrence of arabia" (1962)阿拉伯的勞倫斯

6."the wizard of oz" (1939)綠野仙蹤

7."the graduate" (1967)畢業生

8."on the waterfront" (1954)碼頭風雲

9."schindler's list" (1993)辛德勒名單

10."singin' in the rain" (1952)雨中曲

11."it's a wonderful life" (1946)美麗人生

12."sunset blvd." (1950)日落大道

13."the bridge on the river kwai" (1957)桂河大橋

14."some like it hot" (1959)熱情似火

15."star wars" (1977)星球大戰

16."all about eve" (1950)彗星美人

17."the african queen" (1951)非洲女王/皇=埃及豔后

18."psycho" (1960)驚魂記

19."chinatown" (1974)唐人街

20."one flew over the cuckoo's nest" (1975)飛越瘋人院

21."the grapes of wrath" (1940)憤怒的葡萄

22."2014: a space odyssey" (1968)2014太空漫遊

23."the maltese falcon" (1941)馬耳他之戰

24."raging bull" (1980)憤怒的公牛

25."e.t. the extra-terrestrial" (1982)外星人

26."dr. strangelove" (1964)奇愛博士

27."bonnie and clyde" (1967)雌雄大戰

28."apocalypse now" (1979)現代啟示錄

29."mr. smith goes to washington" (1939)史密斯探訪華盛頓

30."the treasure of the sierra madre" (1948)碧血金沙

31."annie hall" (1977)安妮·霍爾

32."the godfather part ii" (1974)教父ii

33."high noon" (1952)正午迷情

34."to kill a mockingbird" (1962)殺死一隻知更鳥

35."it happened one night" (1934)一夜風流

36."midnight cowboy" (1969)午夜牛郎

37."the best years of our lives" (1946)金色年華/黃金時代

38."double indemnity" (1944)雙重保險

39."doctor zhivago" (1965)齊瓦格醫生

40."north by northwest" (1959)西北偏北

41."west side story" (1961)西城故事

42."rear window" (1954)後窗

43."king kong" (1933) (2014)金剛

44."the birth of a nation" (1915)建國誕生

45."a streetcar named desire" (1951)慾望號街車

46."a clockwork orange" (1971)發條橙

47."taxi driver" (1976)出租車司機

48."jaws" (1975)大白鯊

49."snow white and the seven dwarfs" (1937)白雪公主

50."butch cassidy and the sundance kid" (1969)虎豹小霸王

51."the philadelphia story" (1940)費城故事

52."from here to eternity" (1953)從此到永恆/永垂不朽

53."amadeus" (1984)莫扎特

54."all quiet on the western front" (1930)西線無戰事

55."the sound of music" (1965)音樂之聲

56."mash" (1970)陸軍野戰醫院

57."the third man" (1949)第三人

58."fantasia" (1940)狂想曲

59."rebel without a cause" (1955)無因的反叛

60."raiders of the lost ark" (1981)奪寶奇兵

61."vertigo" (1958)恐高症

62."tootsie" (1982)寶貝兒

63."stagecoach" (1939)關山飛渡

64."close encounters of the third kind" (1977)第三類接觸

65."the silence of the lambs" (1991)沉默的羔羊

66."network" (1976)電台風雲

67."the manchurian candidate" (1962)滿洲候選人

68."an american in paris" (1951)美國人在巴黎

69."shane" (1953)原野奇俠

70."the french connection" (1971)法蘭西親戚

71."forrest gump" (1994)阿甘正傳

72."ben-hur" (1959)賓虛

73."wuthering heights" (1939)呼嘯山莊

74."the gold rush" (1925)淘金熱

75."dances with wolves" (1990)與狼共舞

76."city lights" (1931)城市之光

77."american graffiti" (1973)美國風情畫

78."rocky" (1976)洛奇

79."the deer hunter" (1978)獵鹿者

80."the wild bunch" (1969)日落黃沙

81."modern times" (1936)摩登時代

82."giant" (1956)巨人傳

83."platoon" (1986)野戰排

84."fargo" (1996)冰雪

85."duck soup" (1933)鴨羹

86."mutiny on the bounty" (1935)叛艦喋血記

87."frankenstein" (1931)科學怪人--弗蘭肯斯坦

88."easy rider" (1969)逍遙騎士/迷幻車手

89."patton" (1970)巴頓將軍

90."the jazz singer" (1927)爵士歌星

91."my fair lady" (1964)可愛女人/我可愛的小姐

92."a place in the sun" (1951)陽光普照的大地

93."the apartment" (1960)公寓

94."goodfellas" (1990)好傢伙

95."pulp fiction" (1994)低俗小説

96."the searchers" (1956)搜索者

97."bringing up baby" (1938)成長的煩惱

98."unforgiven" (1992)決不饒恕

99."guess who's coming to dinner" (1967)誰赴鴻門宴 100."yankee doodle dandy" (1942)(美佬)勝利之歌



1阿甘正傳 “forrest gump” 主演:tom hanks 湯姆 漢克斯

2電子情書 “you’ve got mail” 主演:tom hanks 湯姆 漢克斯 meg ryan 梅格 **

3居家男人 “the family man” 主演:nicolas cage 尼科拉斯 凱奇 tea leoni 蒂 里奧尼

4公主日記. “the princess diaries i ii” 主演:julie andrews 朱麗 安德魯斯 anne hatthaway 安妮 哈德威

5逃跑的新娘 “the runaway bride” 主演:juliet roberts 朱麗葉 羅伯斯 richard gere 理查 基爾

6新岳父大人 “father of the bride” 主演:steve martin 斯蒂夫 馬丁 diane keaton 戴安 基頓

7bj單身日記 “bridget jones’ diary i ii” 主演:renee zellweger 雷尼 奇維格 hugh grant 休 格蘭特

8奔騰年代 “sea biscuit” 主演:toby mcquaire 託比 邁奎爾

9蒙娜麗莎的微笑 “mona lisa’s smile” 主演:julia roberts朱麗葉 羅伯斯 julia stiles 朱麗亞 斯蒂爾斯 kristen dunst 克里斯滕 等斯特

10甜心先生 “jerry maguaire” 主演:tom cruise 湯姆 克魯斯 renee zelleweger 雷尼 奇維格

11熱血強人 “remember the titans” 主演:danzel washington 丹澤爾 華盛頓

12鐵血教練 “coach carter” 主演: samuel jackson薩姆爾 傑克遜

13重建人生 “life as a house” 主演:kevin cline 凱文 克萊恩 kristin scott thomas 克里斯丁 斯科特 托馬斯 hayden christensen 海登 克里斯滕森

14海上鋼琴師 “the legend of 1900” 主演:tim roth 蒂姆 羅斯

15大話王 “liar liar” 主演:jim carrie 金 凱利

16單身插班生 “about a boy” 主演:hugn grant 修 格蘭特

17風流奇男子 “alfie” 主演: jude law 裘德 洛

18妙手情真 “patch adams” 主演: robin williams 羅賓 威廉斯

19變人 “bicentennial man” 主演: robin williams 羅賓 威廉斯

20貓屎先生 “as good as it gets” 主演:jack nickelson 傑克 尼科爾森 helen hunt 海倫 亨特

21完美男人 “the perfect man” 主演: hilary duff 希拉里 薘芙 chris noth 克里斯 諾斯

22婚禮男友 “the wedding date” 主演:debra messing 戴博拉 梅西 dermot mulroney 德莫特 麥隆尼

23男人百分百 “what women want” 主演:mel gibson 梅爾 吉普森 helen hunt 海倫 亨特

24老爸向前衝/冒牌老爸 “big daddy” 主演:adam sandler 亞當 桑德勒

25大魚 “big fish” 主演:evan mcgregor 伊萬 麥克格






1 沉默之聲 the sound of silence

2 愛的細語there's a kind of hush

3 陽光季節 seasons in the sun

4 唱首憂鬱的歌 song sung blue

5 在老橡樹上系黃絲帶 tie a yellow ribbon round the old oak tree

6 雨的旋律 rhythm of the rain

7 七個寂寞的日子 seven lonely days

8 超級迷你比基尼 itsy bitsy teenie weenie yellow polka-dot bikini

9 波夫puff

10 檸檬樹 lemon tree

11 花落何處 where have all the flowers gone?

12 順其自然 let it be

13 昨日重現 yesterday once more

14 甜心 dear heart

15 太年輕 too young

16 低語的松樹 whispering pines

17 世界末日 the end of the world

18 我的家鄉 my hometown

19 大江東去 the river of no return

20 田納西華爾茲 tennessee waltz

21 破曉 morning has broken

22 惡水上的大橋 bridge over troubled water

23 讓它是我 let it be me

24 再見,吾愛 bye bye, love

25 無法停止愛你 i can't stop loving you

26 只有你 only you

27 世事不可強求 que sera, sera

28 雨點不斷落在我頭上 raindrops keep falling on my head

29 某處,吾愛 somewhere my love

30 在雨中哭泣 crying in the rain

31 跳舞吧,小女孩 dance on, little girl

32 愛你在心口難開 more than i can say

33 玫瑰,玫瑰我愛你 rose, rose, i love you

34 清晨 in the morning

35 往日情懷 the way we were

36 北上阿拉斯加 north to alaska

37 老鷹之歌 el condor pasa

38 鄉村路帶我回家 take me home country roads

39 郵差先生 please mr. postman

40 黃河鎮yellow river

41 放開我 release me

42 最後華爾茲 the last waltz

43 孤枕難眠 i don't like to sleep alone

44 想象 imagine

45 不再墜入情網 i'll never fall in. love again

46 輕歌銷魂 killing me softly with his song

47 婚禮 the wedding

48 雪鳥 snowbird

49 黛咪 tammy

50 情感 feelings

51 假如 if

52 小白鴿 paloma blanca

53 今日 today

54 無須説愛我 you don't have to say you love me

55 奔放的旋律 unchained melody

56 與我吻別kiss me goodbye

57 只有尋夢去 all i have to do is dream

58 小白花 edelweiss

59 將頭*在我肩上 put your head on my shoulder

60 黃鳥兒 yellow bird

61 全為了一個女孩的愛 all for the love of a girl

62 輕聲細訴,愛人 speak softly, love

63 交換舞伴 changing partners

64 我參加你的婚禮 i went to your wedding

65 給約翰的一封信 a dear john letter

66 月亮河 moon river

67 黛安娜 diana

68 哦,卡羅 oh! carol

69 試着回憶 try to remember

70 什錦燴飯 jambalaya

71 時機不再

72 唯有孤寂 only the lonely

73 我明白 i understand

74 全心全意愛我 love me with all of your heart

75 深夜陌生人 strangers in the night

76 離家五百里 five hundred miles

77 昨日 yesterday

78 走在雨中 just walking in the rain

79 陽光在我肩上 sunshine on my shoulders

80 我希望你要我 i'd love you to want me

81 你欺騙的心 your cheating heart

82 麻薩諸塞州 massachusetts

83 丹尼男孩 danny boy

84 今晚你寂寞嗎are you lonesome tonight

85 隨風飄蕩 blowing in the wind

86 敲三下 knock three times

87 不再 no more

88 熱愛着你 devoted to you

89 舊金山 san francisco

90 棉花田 cotton field

91 親愛的 sugar, sugar

92 世界之頂 top of the world

93 你照亮我的生命 you light up my life

94 玫瑰花園 rose garden

95 如果你愛我 if you love me

96 史東妮 stoney

97 我不知如何愛他 i don't know how to love him

98 温柔地愛我 love me tender

99 你偷走巨廈 the mansion you stole


電影:1、 the graduate 畢業生

2、 the lion king 獅子王

3、 sound of music 音樂之聲

4、 casablanca 卡薩布蘭卡

5、 finding nemo 海底總動員

6、 the shark tale 鯊魚黑幫

7、 forrest gump 阿甘正傳

8、 sleepless in seattle 西雅圖未眠夜

9、 pretty woman 漂亮女人(風月俏佳人)

10、shrek 怪物史萊克

11、 my best friend's wedding 我最好朋友的婚禮

12、 27 dresses 二十七套禮服

13、 liar liar 謊言大師(大話王)

14、 you've got mail 網上情緣

15、 notting hill 諾丁山

16、 true lie 真實謊言

17、 when harry met sally 當哈麗遇到賽麗

18、 four weddings and a funeral 四個婚禮一個葬禮

19、 philadelphia 費城

20、 legally blonde 律政俏佳人

21、 pride and predudice 傲慢與偏見

22、 ice age 冰河世紀

23、 fifty first dates 初戀50次

24、 american beauty 美國麗人

25、 runaway bride 落跑新娘

26、 professional 這個殺手不太冷

27、 the shawshank redemption 肖申克的救贖

28、 the city of angel 天使之城

29、 polar express 極地特快

30、 bruce almighty 冒牌天神






英語演講 電影


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