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analysis of madame bovary’s ruin566

“madame bovary” is the masterpiece of flaubert and has always enjoyed popularity around the world. in emma bovary, flaubert uses irony to criticize romanticism and investigate the relation of beauty to corruption and of fate to free will. after reading and analyzing the novel, i also find out the reasons for this beautiful lady’s ruin.

on her way to financial and moral ruin, emma’s early life plays a big part. rather than being brought up in the realities of everyday living, she is sent to a convent where she indulges in daydreams and in sentimentalizing about life. at the convent, she begins reading romantic novels which affects her entire life. being basically a dreamy girl, she develops into an extreme romantic who tries to seek romance in her marriage.

as charles bovary is an incompetent, stupid, and unimaginative person who does not fit into emma’s romantic fiction, she gets fed up with him despite that charles loves her sincerely and never fails to satisfy her

desires for stimulations and excitements. she continues in her search for romance and indulges herself in futile dreams, rather than devoting

herself to living life and the realistic world. thus when she meets leon, she feels that she has found her soul mate as he shares the same

platonic ideas with her. both being shy to do anything about it, they go their own separate way. leon goes to paris to study, and emma falls

back into a slump. however, her unhappiness doesn’t last too long this time. she quickly meets another handsome bachelor, rodolphe boulanger, a man who is quite a womanizer. emma's nature will not allow her to remain in one situation. she begins to want to change things with

rodolphe. she insists that they run off together. this insistence causes rodolphe to drop her. after her recovery from rodolphe's betrayal, emma meets leon again and gives herself to him rather readily and spends money like water. she is still searching for that noble passion. however, after a while, this affair starts to peter out. emma’s money troubles get worse and worse, so she has to ask leon for help but he

escapes. then she turns to rodolphe for help but he refuses. only until this time does she realize that her fantasy about romantic love has destroyed and only in death could she find the peace and fulfillment that she has been searching for. thus, it is obviously that her

unrealistic dream and fantasy are the root causes of her ruin. she is morally corrupt and unable to accept and appreciate the realities. she always has unreasonable longings for luxury, status and free will. she turns a blind eye to her husband’s sincerity, tolerance and

generosity and is easily deceived by the superficiality of leon and

rodolphe. she tries to live by her dreams, and when that fails, she is desperate, without ever compromising her vision of something greater than she.

madame bovary’s failure really gives our young girls a lesson. that is, we should pay attention to the reality and act practically instead of indulging in unrealistic fantasies. we should see through people’s surface and dig into their hearts. we should care the people who truly care us and cherish their company. only by being self-disciplined and mortally sincere, rather than daydreaming, can we achieve

contentment and thus make our life perfect.


book : mrs bovary

before reading this book,i once expected a perfect ver,it turned out to be such a miserable love story.i feel so confused if there’s true love between a e people break up anyway in the end ,then why bother struggling to be together? after married mr bovary, mrs bovary kept having affairs with others. she is so sentimental a woman that she almost falls in love with anyone who has ever shown a hint of affection to she is also money-oriented,hoping someday she would run away with some rich man who can satisfy her desire for a luxury life.

to be honest,i don’t like mrs bovary. i would rather say she is things keep emerging.

can love last forever ?, is it really a hard thing to find someone who longs to be with you for a whole life?

nowadays,so many things blind our eyes that we have never listened to the inner voice of our deep heart. whether the person i am dating is the one i really like and whether he or she can give the life i have been wanted . we should ask ourselves those things before making decisions.

but,even if you deliberately select a t,does that mean a lasting love can be guaranteed? i feel awful to see people who once deeply loved each other break up at last. especially after i read this

book,i even have no illusions towards my future marriage.

maybe i don’t know if there is true love in the world ,just because i haven’t met one .

this book really brings me worries



書中的女主人公愛瑪出生在外省的一個還算富裕的農家 .她從小在修道院接受教育.在那期間,愛瑪迷上了看小説,尤其是那些有關男女情愛的書.書中男主人公不是伯爵就是子爵,這讓她深深地着迷了.小説中的情節使她對愛情充滿了童話般的幻想,以為結婚就可以實現她的願望.在機緣巧合下,愛瑪嫁給了醫生夏爾.可是在婚後才發現一切遠沒有想象中的美好.在蜜月裏,她體驗不到快樂,在此後的相處中,她發現自己的丈夫是個膽小懦弱,遲鈍無能的人.她心中的白馬王子在哪 生活在她看來變得不再絢麗多姿,只不過是日復一日的活着罷了.

這時萊昂闖入了她的生活,他們有着共同的愛好, 在頻繁的交談中,萊昂發現自己漸漸愛上了這個有夫之婦 可萊昂不敢向愛瑪袒露自己的心跡,他怕被愛瑪拒絕 最後 選擇了逃避,去了巴黎.愛瑪在萊昂離開之後才後悔沒有挽留他。可隨着時間的推移,懷念被漸漸沖淡了,另一個男人走了進來.

羅多爾夫第一次見到愛瑪就被她與眾不同的氣質深深地吸引了.於是乎他暗暗下決心一定要把這個女人弄到手,他很自信自己能夠成功,因為他有錢. 羅多爾夫用盡花言巧語是愛瑪神昏顛倒,她的虛榮心迅速膨脹起來.一開始愛瑪有過猶豫,但在羅多爾夫一波又一波的攻勢下,她臣服了.愛瑪覺得自己終於找到了小説中嚮往的生活,感到既刺激又欣喜.可是愛瑪的獨佔欲很強,久而久之,羅多爾夫對她產生了厭倦 。當愛瑪下定決心拋棄眼下的生活,和羅多爾夫雙宿雙飛時,他退縮了.羅多爾夫覺得一切都是逢場做戲罷了。他狠心的寫下了一封信,可笑的事文字中完美的掩飾着自身的疲倦,反之把一切都歸咎於"命運"二字,極力地推卸責任。他無情的走了,好像一切都沒發生過似的走了.愛瑪崩潰了,從此一蹶不振.

最終她積債如山 陷入身敗名裂的絕境.愛瑪求助於她的情夫,但他們在這時卻像個縮頭烏龜似的避之不及,沒有人願意伸出援助之手.在這一刻,危急自身利益的時候,世間醜態在愛瑪眼前展露無遺.她走投無路了,最後選擇了死亡.

愛瑪,也就是包法利夫人是一個悲劇人物.她追求浪漫的愛情,奢華的生活,卻不知她所處的環境給不了她想要的.當愛情建立在物質基礎上時,就註定了它的悲劇結果,無論過程如何使人沉淪,結局都只有一個.是誰使她走向了絕路 。是人們的冷漠淡然使她求助無門,還是自己對命運的臣服,最終導致了愛瑪的悲劇,或許可以説是當時的社會逼得她服毒自殺的。 現實與理想總會有差別,當現實於理想中的情況不同時,我們不應該把這一切歸結為命運的安排。當我們遇到挫折或者意外時,或許這是上天給我們一次調整心態的機會。在繁華和虛榮裏,也許你會忘了自己的正面目。但要知道自己擁有的,珍惜自己獲得的,不要總陷入沒有結果的幻想中,來虛度光陰。


book report:about madame bovary there being always a big disparity and contradiction between real life and life in

literature,so we cannot take everything as god's doing when life seems difficult and unpredicted to e it is a chance given to us to adjust ourselves to the society when facing with

frustrations or this is the cruelty of the reality:the imagination is differs from reality and people have no ideas about how to deal with such a efore, madame bovary,as an embodiment of reality and ideal of life,was born.

madame bovary is one of gustave flaubert's representative works and it takes nearly five years to be ave flaubert was the important critical realism writer in french flaubert, whose works reflect the 1848-1871 era between the french style, exposed the ugly vulgar bourgeois was famous for his creation theory --- "objective and indifferent" and carved artistic

style in the history of french literature. for many critics and historians of french literature, flaubert is by far the most modern of the great nineteenth-century novelists,and it is easy to see why. because he has being an originator of 'realism' in prose fiction. but, what makes his writing in mandame bovary distinctively modern rather than the simple continuation of an earlier self-conscious literary manner?it is because that flaubert ascribes to writers in the exercise of their craft.

madame bovary depicts a process of the gradual degeneration of a bourgeois woman who grew up in a church and was not satisfied with her a mediocre life. in order to pursue a romantic hero and elegant life, the actress, emma, stoop and has adulterous relationship with leon and rodolphe. as her family cannot enable her to enjoy a luxurious life, she has to borrow much money to spend with her lovers. ultimately ,because of inability to repay debt, she ruined her own reputation then commit

suicide and left a little daughter and her husband alone ver,after emma's death the town is as usual just as nothing special

lphe idles away time by hunting in the forest all day long and leon also has an easy time in the city. what a grieved, poor woman!

by describing a married woman's life experience which is full of passion and fervor, flaubert used a succinct,exquisitive wirting style profoundly reappear the french social life in the middle 19th and truly reveal the dark of the whole country at that time. flaubert, the author was sickened with the french mdiddle class he was born believed them to be lazy, unconcerned, and selffish. madame bovary is about such a self-centered, envious and dramatic middle class french woman. the book was originally in french, but was translated into english.

madame emma bovary is a tragic rans after romantic love and a

prodigal life , however, she does not realize that her living conditions cannot guarantee her what she love is built on the base of substance, it is doomed to be a tragedy. no matter how degenerate it is, there to be only one result---tragedy. so, who forces emma to go to the dead end? it is the people's

indifference and cold made her disapppinted? or she gives up herself to real life? perhaps, it is that society compel her to poison herself. from emma's life, we can easily find that every one has a personal attitude towards dreams' chasing. and for us, we seldom

imaging and daydreaming. however,madame emma bovary sinked into using her own version of the image and, therefore, her still adolescent habits of imagination have brought her into radical company. madame bovary's extremely action is absolutely reflection of her unsatisfied with herself. these so-called dreams are definitely illusory and r finishing reading this book, for a

long time, i just immerse myself in the book and cannot come back to the real world. it shocks me that flaubert is so intelligent and wise that the world he describes in the book madame bovary can also reflects some serious problems in today’s life. they have such a surprising, unbelievable things in common! a majority of people in nowadays, just like emma,dreaming of finding a prince or a princess and enjoying a happy life without being bothered by daily chores and having to work for life. however, how could these daydreams can come to be a reality in a

high-paced and competed society? apparently, the answer is cannot! thus, we should learn to figure out the current situaton and have our eyes opened by the social reality. as an old sayings"as we sow,so we will reap. " we have to strive for our dreams with our own hands and sweat. in brief, a good book cannot only has an interesting story but also can educates the readers and still exists with hundreds of

years go by.



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