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TPO1: A or D: At universities and colleges, sports and social activities are just as important as classes and libraries and should receive equal financial support.


1p: 先強調大學的功能( miniature of the society) 肩負大學生平衡發展的重任,需要保證足夠的投資 2p: 學生喜歡運動,運動有利於學生身心健康。

3p: 學生喜歡參加社會活動,參加社會活動能拓展學生的人際網絡。

4p: 政府和財政部門應該重視對體育設施和公共設施的建設,為學生創建良好物質條件。

TPO 2: A or D: Always telling the truth is the most important consideration in any relationship between people. (參見Steve同學的高分模板範文)

1p: 【屈原式《天問》】神啊,我一直在思考一個問題-不扯100+不罷休。

2p: white lie這個詞組的存在説明了“轉彎抹角”的必要性,因為在某些情況下,説實話會造成A。麻煩,B。尷尬,C。損失。因此人們為了避免麻煩、尷尬和損失是正常的,在某些情況下,撒謊是人的本能反應。撒謊之外的一個選擇是:保持沉默。

3p: 但人際交往的基本原則是坦誠和誠信。White lie必須有限度而且有原則。否則會破壞人際關係。 4p: 結論:Tricky question或open debate取決於:seriousness. 【立場決定2p-3p的比重,你們懂的】

TPO 3: A or D: It is more important to keep your old friends than it is to make new friends.

1p: As the wheels of globalization roll on...每天都在加新朋友,也有老朋友失去聯繫。

2p: 老朋友:更懂你的需求,更理解和關心你,更值得信賴。

3p: 新朋友:拓展影響力,建立新人脈。舉例:表哥藉助新人脈重整家族產業。

4p: tricky question. 新老朋友都很重要。要坦誠以待。多主動問候,保持聯繫。

TPO 4: A or D? In twenty years, there will be fewer cars in use than there are today.

Yes: 1. New means of transportation, such as metro. 2. People's awareness of environmental protection, drive less. 3. Because of pollution and energy depletion, governments may restrict the use of cars.

No: 1. In an age of globalization, the importance of cars as a symbol of mobility will make it more and more popular (indispensable). 2. Cars will be made much cheaper and available to everyone. 3. New energy will be available to power cars, such as nuclear energy, or hybrid car that uses both electricity and fuel.

TPO 5: A or D? People today spend too much time on personal enjoyment – doing things they like to do – rather than doing things they should do.

1p: transformational age. 生活方式和社會觀念發生很多的變化,社會矛盾也很多。人們壓力很大,需要更多的娛樂和休閒方式。

2p: 有個假象:人們在虛度時光。真相:人們工作還是蠻刻苦的。狂舉例:醫生、律師、教師。。。 3p: 在業餘時間選擇不擾民的娛樂方式,是人們的權利。人們有權利選擇自己喜歡的生活方式。

4p: 娛樂和工作有時候不能截然分開。舉例:表哥自由撰稿人,寫微博,發照片,收入頗豐,活的很滋潤,工作享受兩不誤。

TPO 6: A or D? Life today is easier and more comfortable than it was when your grandparents were children. 1p: 最好的年代,最壞的年代。扯到120+ 科技的進步並沒有帶來生活質量的實質性提高。

2p: 更多娛樂選擇,但人們並不快樂。More entertainment, less happiness.

3p: 更多醫療設備,健康卻沒保障。More advanced medical equipments, but health is not guaranteed.3p: 更多溝通手段,但人與人之間的距離卻日漸生疏。【我爸爸叫我下樓來吃飯,都是用微博】

TPO 7: A or D? It is more important for students to understand ideas and concepts than it is for them to learn facts.

1p: Knowledge = power. 這句話今天有了新的含義。Knowledge = ideas + concepts學生壓力大,時間緊,要和有限的時間用於學習更為重要的內容。

2p: facts: basic;ideas + concepts: 高級別的應用,能直接影響和改變我們的生活。比如:twitter是一種劃時代的溝通方式,它是基於一個facts:人們太忙,沒有時間維護自己的博客和個人網站。Facebook是一種劃時代的社交網絡,它是基於一個facts:最多通過六個人你就能夠認識任何一個陌生人,即六度分割理論。【twitter和facebook的例子,即可以説明ideas更重要,也可以證明facts是基礎,依據你的觀點來掰】

3p: 在互聯網的時代,信息暴漲,沒有人可以記住那麼多的facts。但是互聯網又是一個天然的知識寶庫,我們沒有必要記住那麼多的facts,有需要的時候google即可。

4p: 但是不能play down the important of remembering basic facts. 比如:常識性錯誤--> 尷尬


TPO8: A or D? Television advertising directed toward young children (aged two to five) should not be allowed. 1p: the ubiquitous impact of advertising on our lives

2p: 存在的東西有合理性和必要性:restriction is never a good idea: 正確的做法是要求媒體必須倡導良好的社會氣氛,不以盈利為主要目的 not entirely profit-oriented

3p: 家長有明辨能力 discernment, and are also responsible /liable /accountable for guiding and monitoring their children

4p: The debate for the negative effects of advertising had been going on for decades but so far, nothing is so bad as what some cynics had feared. (positive effects: ignorant, prejudice) 營造和諧氣氛

TPO 9: A or D? Technology has made children less creative than they were in the past.

1p: the ubiquitous impact of technology on our lives - positive & negative - more creative

2p: computer and information technology --> graphic design (photoshop), animation (flash), e-music (cakewalk), sculpture (organic muds)

3p: robotic and bionics technology --> robots for housekeeping

4p: technology --> convenience + comfort --> stagnant + lazy --> double edge sword --> benefit or curse: depends on how you use it

TPO 10: A or D? Playing computer games is a waste of time. Children should not be allowed to play them. 1p: what adults can learn from kids...讓我陷入深深的思考。

2p: computer games並非一無是處。在這個年代,不會用電腦被視為illiterate。玩電腦遊戲和網絡遊戲是一種趨勢,不玩電腦遊戲可能無法和同齡人溝通。例子:魔獸世界。

3p: 即便玩電腦遊戲很多弊端,或有百害而無一利。家長也教師也不能禁止學生玩。成人也做很多浪費時間,浪費資源的事情。比如鬥地主等。

4p: Restriction is never a good idea. 應該倡導一種和諧的氣氛,引導學生知道該學習的時候努力學習,該放鬆的時候玩命放鬆。

標籤: TPO1 寫作 思路
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