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一篇文章中的閃光詞就像是浩瀚夜空中的點點繁星,能使人眼前一亮,使你的文章可以從堆積如山的考卷中stand out。 好好練練,説不定真能把你的作文變得outstanding。


Passage 1.

Conservation Essay

Robert Frost once said “nothing gold can stay”. Today those famous words are closely connected to our environment. Scientists and researchers are 1)the negative effects of modern technology on our environment and our lives. Cars, computers, refrigerators and 2)all other electric inventions consume natural resources. These resources are often 3), causing a harsh supply and demand crisis. Fuel prices will 4) to rise, which means that people will have to find a new mode of transportation. Coal will 5)out, therefore bringing an end to our main source of electricity. Rainforests will 6), causing a shortage of paper on which to write conservation essays. When viewed by short 7) effects, society does not consider environmental issues to be important—what is the big deal about cutting down a few trees? The long term results of such massive negligence are scary enough to make me think twice before tossing my 8) out the window. The bottom line is that people need to be more conservative of our natural resources before they are gone.


Fish begins to stink at the head.



2.答案:virtually解析:本詞意思是:實際上,事實上。and後面應該填入的是與前面意思並列的內容,在and前面出現的都是些具體的事物,空格後緊跟的卻是與具體事物很難搭配在一起的“所有其它電器發明”。很明顯空格前後已經行成了完整的並列關係,需要我們填入的內容應為修飾all other electric inventions的詞或者是一個能夠修飾整個句子的副詞。根據句意,我



t come, first served.先來先招待。答案:continue解析:本詞意思是:持續,繼續。根據後半句的提示可推斷出燃料價格會持續增長,因此用表示連續不斷的continue。比較continue, last, endure, persist這四個同義詞的用法:continue指“持續而無終止”,通常強調“不間斷”,如,continue working 持續工作。last 指“持久”,“延續”,如:The rain will not last long. 這雨不會持續很久。endure 指“持續”,“持久”,如:Her fame will endure for ever. 她將名垂千古。persist 指“持續存在下去“,如:The snow is likely to persist in most areas.可能在大部分地區還有雪。

5.〖答案〗run〖解析〗根據後半句的提示,我們可以推斷這裏要表達的意思是煤耗盡。空格處缺少一個動詞,一個能夠和out搭配表示耗盡的動詞。run out 指“用光”,“耗盡”,如:Though they are running out of food and drink, the men are cheerful and confident that they will get out soon.他們雖然已經水盡糧絕,但情緒都很好,並且深信他們很快就會出來的。

6.答案:vanish解析:本詞意思是:滅絕,消失。和前句的動詞形成並列關係,只不過這裏需要的是一個單詞,不是詞組。vanish多指“突然消失”“從存在中消失”,如:vanish into nothing化為烏有。

7.答案term解析:這個空格是考查文章上下文聯繫的題目。在下一句中有一個相對應的詞組long term,與之對應的short後應為term。這部分的正確翻譯是:in the short term從眼前的觀點看;in the long term從長遠的觀點看。


Passage 2.

Plagiarism: Self-destruction

Why do so many people use simply to

1) other people’s writing? Is it even possible that someone cannot write their own essay, or that someone cannot read a book of any length? If you plagiarize, aren’t you

2) yourself to failure? And if you cannot gather information, aren’t you opening yourself to attacks from the System?

Easy come, easy go.來得容易去得快。

I know many students who use sites such as to gather researches,

3) other people’s ideas and papers. Yet it still amazes me that people could be so lazy. Think about it: in high school, you are already expected to know whatever material you’ve been taught. If you cannot get 4) high school without cheating, how well will you do in college? Professors check whether you have cheated, and you are required to write lengthy papers based on detailed research, which is not present on many Internet paper mills and notes sites. If you cannot read, write, and think on your own, you are 5) . Maybe not now, maybe not during your high school career, but eventually, you will 6) a class or get expelled for cheating. If your job requires you to write essays or gather information, and you cheat, (gather information without citing it and getting permission) you will be sued and fired.

During high school and college, you are more likely to hurt your grade than to get into serious trouble. (However, if your paper sounds too well written, or if a teacher finds that you stole information, you can still be expelled.) Let’s face it: Cliffs Notes aren’t the Holy Grail of research. If you read Cliffs Notes or Monarch Notes or ’ essays, you are 7) to miss important details. Any decent teacher will check whether you read a book, and to do so, he will ask you details and concepts from the work that you did not read. Cliffs Notes shortchange you; there are few concepts and almost no details in those. Monarch Notes only have concepts. And most essays are written by high scholars, filled with typos and inaccuracies, and non scholarly.

For the lazy, Cliffs Notes, Monarch Notes, and are an easy way to 8) work, practice, and thought. However, for the scholar or anyone who wants to be more successful in school, these resources should be just that resources. They are intended to supplement reading, not to replace it. When students read from these works to better understand what they have already read, they are preparing themselves for the real world. And when they enter it, they will be more successful than cheaters.




答案:sentencing解析:本詞意思是:宣判,判決,如:be sentenced for thief因盜竊罪被判刑。該詞多用於“判決”之意,往往指“對(被判定有罪的人)宣佈判決”。用在這裏表現了作者對剽竊一事的鄙視態度。3.

More haste, less speed.欲速則不達。


答案:through解析:get through 這一詞組的意思是:通過,度過。與get 搭配組成的詞組有很多,請大家通過例句或短語背誦學習。如:get down困難地吞下。e.g. Come on, get the pill down.來,把藥片吞下去。


(1) doom指“最終的、常常是毀滅性或災難性的命運”,如:The Battle of Stalingrad sealed Hitler’s doom.斯大林格勒戰役決定了希特勒的滅亡

(2) fate指“宿命”,具有神話或迷信色彩,使人有畏懼和無可奈何之感,如:They ascribed their disaster to an unkind fate.他們把他們的災難歸結為命不好。

(3) destiny除含有“命中註定”之意外,還暗示“充滿美好希望”,如:It was her destiny to become famous.她命裏註定出名。6.

答案:flunk解析:本詞意思是:失敗,考試不及格,如:He flunked mathematics.他數學沒考及格。和後面的動詞expel(開除)意思並列。

7.答案:bound解析:固定詞組be bound to 的意思是:必定,一定,如:It’s bound to rain soon.很快必會下雨。這裏強調沒有閲讀教師制定的材料原文而直接抄襲別人的成果將遭遇諸如不瞭解材料細節之類的困難的必然性。

8.答案:avoid解析:本詞意思是:避開,迴避,逃避,如:He tried to avoid studiously answering her.他力圖故意迴避答覆她的問題。與之同意的詞組為keep away from。文章介紹了抄襲對於學生等人的諸多弊端,最後總結了抄襲這一行為能夠持續存在的主觀原因,即它可以使人逃避很多工作,讓人閒適自在。



No pains, no gains.


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