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Because of the high developing speed of the world, pressure has become aserious problem in our students, we also have to face with muchpressure, such as the study pressure, exam pressure,relationship pressure and how can we cope with pressure? This is the most important.

Firstly, we should face the pressure sure is inevitablein our daily life, so we can't be afraid of them and try our best to cope ndly, tell our pressure to ing is a very effective way toease pressure, and during the talking, we may get some suggestions lly, trust should believe ourselves that we candeal with any troubles by ourselves or by others' help.


As the pace of life continues to increase, we are fast losing the art you are in the habit of rushing through life, being on the gofrom morning till night,it is hard to slow relaxation is essential fora healthy mind and ss is a natural part of everyday life and there isno way to avoid fact, it is not the bad thing as it is often supposed tobe.A certain amount of stress is vital to provide motivation and give purposeto is only when the stress gets out of control can it lead to poorperformance and amount of stress a person can withstand dependsvery much on the people are not afraid of stress, and suchcharacters are obviously prime material for managerial rslose heart at the first signs of unusual exposed to stress,in whatever form, we react both chemically and fact, we make achoice between "flight or fight"and in more primitive days the choices made thedifference between life or crises we meet today are unlikely to be soextreme, but however little the stress, it involves the same iswhen such a reaction lasts long, through continued exposure to stress, thathealth becomes serious conditions as high blood pressure andheart diseases have established links with e we cannot remove stressfrom our lives (it would be unwise to do so even if we could), we need to findways to deal with it.


As everyone knows, stress is a natural part of everyday life and there isno way to avoid the pace of modern life continues to increase, we arealways feeling on the go from morning till it is hard to slow efore, stress goes hand in hand with the life in a competitive society.

Different people, however, think of stress quite believethat stress is not the bad thing it is often supposed to are of theopinion that a certain amount of stress is vital to provide motivation and givepurpose to rs argue that stress contributes to one’s mental declineand hence endangers his rding to them, relaxation, the opposite ofstress, is essential for a healthy mind and body.

Personally, I’m in favor of the former view.I think it is impossible toavoid stress when one is entirely devoted to the career he myopinion, it is only when the stress gets out of control that it can lead to poorperformance and ill health.


Peer pressure means the influence given by a group of people around you,such as, parents, friends, classmates, teachers and so r influence willaffect your attitude, behavior, conception or every side has twosides, this influence also has two me explain my reasons.

For one thing, influence of peer pressure has positive dependson the specific times, the influence of pressure will promote me instance, my deskmate does well in one math exam, while I fall farbehind we are deskmates, i can’t let others look down on i willtake her as my good example to then next time, I can get a good markby my my parents as another example, they like don’thave the habit to throw rubbish at will.I won’t have this habit either livingwith them.

For another, influence of peer pressure has negative times theinfluence will be example, if my friends ask me to skip class to watcha basketball match with them, i go with them, even i don’t have that one of my friends has gone through a lot, he always try to convinceme that money is very time passes, i may change my conception.

In summary, the influence of peer pressure has positive and negative have to advocate the good side and avoid the have to be clearabout what is right and what is wrong and firm our position.


People always believe that when there is pressure, there is motivation, itseems that pressure equals need pressure, it makes us keep moveon, with pressure, we know what to do and how to fulfill our outpressure, we are just like a child, never grow up, having no idea is pressure that makes us become mature, we should havepressure, it indeed equals motivation at the certain e having toomuch pressure is bad for our mind, it is just like a burden that presses ourmind, making people hard to take a days the case of people commitsuicide is increasing, the reason is that people can’t take a breath from muchpressure, they feel there is no hope in life, no matter what they do, life justfrustrates should have the right attitude towards pressure.

標籤: 八年級 英語
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